KGS Foundation-Service For All

Meditation with Rita

Meditation With Rita Program

Introducing meditation in schools can have numerous benefits for students, including stress reduction, improved focus, and concentration, enhanced emotional well-being, and better self-regulation. Meditation with Rita is a program inspired by Ms. Rita Somani and Ms. Dimple’s vision of introducing meditation into our schools. Through this program we teach adults and children how to meditation.
Noted below are various meditation implementation processes that are part of Meditation With Rita program.

Research & Planning:

We help schools in research and planning to integrate
meditation into school’s curriculum and culture.

Teacher Training:

We provide mindfulness and meditation training to teachers or hire external instructors who specialize in mindfulness education. This training will equip educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to incorporate meditation practices effectively in the classroom.

Meditation Curriculum Development:

We help develop a structured curriculum to integrate meditation into existing subjects such as physical education, health, or character education.

Creation of Dedicated Meditation Spaces:

Help schools identify quiet spaces
within the school premises where students can meditate comfortably.

Parent and Community Involvement:

Educate parents and the broader
community about the benefits of meditation in schools. KGS Foundation – Service
For All conducts workshops, informational sessions, and presentations to help
them understand the value of incorporating meditation into the educational
environment. Encourage parents to practice mindfulness at home and support
their child's meditation practice.

Assessment and Introduction Tools:

We help schools assess the impact of
meditation programs by collecting feedback from teachers, students, and parents.
We also show how to use this data to make improvements and modifications to
the curriculum and implementation strategies. This data will also help track
student outcomes such as academic performance, behavior, and emotional well-
being to gauge the effectiveness of the meditation program.

Evaluation and Feedback:

Regularly assess the impact of meditation programs
by collecting feedback from teachers, students, and parents. Use this information
to make improvements and modifications to the curriculum and implementation
strategies. Track student outcomes such as academic performance, behavior, and
emotional well-being to gauge the effectiveness of the meditation program.

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