We have a range of feeding programs aimed at providing regular food for people in need. Our feeding programs include:


Summer Feeding Programs:

Summer feeding program is designed to bridge the gap when school is out of session. Through this program KGS Foundation-Service For All offers free meals to children who rely on school lunch programs during the academic year. These programs will take place every year at community centers, schools, churches or other designated sites between June and August.

KGS Feeding Package Consists Of

The quantity of the items provided varies according to the number of family members


International Students Food Support

This feeding program is designed specifically to support international students who may be facing food insecurity. We recognize the unique challenges that international students may encounter, such as limited financial resources, unfamiliarity with local food resources, and limited access to cooking facilities. International Students Feeding programs aim to ensure that these students have access to nutritious meals during their studies. We partner with various student organizations to inform them of our food programs, and this is available for any student in need throughout the year.

Our Main Objective

Holiday Feeding Program


Holiday Meal Distribution:

We understand the important of celebrating and sharing meals during these festive occasions, and so we aim to ensure that individuals and families facing financial hardships can also partake in the holiday spirit. In partnership with charitable organizations, community groups, and churches we organize special meal distributions during Christmas, Thanksgiving, Diwali, Holi and Navratri. We provide pre-cooked holiday meals to support the poor and needy during these holiday seasons.

  • Half of children deaths in USA are due to malnutrition.
  • 3.4% of children in  (age 6-18 yrs.) are stunted due to malnutrition. Stunting affects child’s ability to comprehend and concentrate during class. Stunted children are more likely to fail in education by 2% compared to nourished children.
  • Repetition rate in primary governmental schools reached 12%.

    The School Feeding Program under the supervision of the USA School Feeding Program, provides nutritious hot meals for school students in the poorest uncovered territories, in order to reduce the parents’ burden of having to feed their child, while also providing their child with a healthy meal at school that will enable them to focus better in class.

    We also provides the children’s mothers with cooking jobs and training courses at these same schools. This not only gives the mothers a stable monthly salary, but also ensures that the quality of the food served will be at its best.

We developed the school feeding program to provide investment chances for Junior investors through financing, establishing and maintaining school feeding kitchens.

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