Unity Restoration Project

KGS Foundation Service For All believe in fostering unity and creating thriving communities.The Unity Restoration Project is a testament to our commitment to preserving and enhancing shared spaces for everyone.

The Unity Restoration Project aims to bring people together through the restoration and upkeep of various community spaces, including parks, religious places, and more. Our mission is to create environments that inspire and uplift, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

Core Objectives:

1. Diverse Restoration Initiatives:

Parks: Revitalizing green spaces for recreational and communal activities.
– Religious Places: Supporting the restoration of temples, churches, mosques, and other sacred structures.
– Public Facilities: Collaborating with local authorities to enhance community-centric spaces.

2. Community Collaboration:

– Partnerships: Establishing meaningful partnerships with local communities, religious institutions, and civic organizations.
– Inclusivity: Ensuring that restoration efforts reflect the diverse needs and cultural richness of the community.

3. Education and Awareness:

– Workshops: Hosting educational events to raise awareness about the historical and cultural significance of restored places.
– Sustainability: Promoting sustainable practices in the restoration process to ensure long-term benefits.

4.Fundraising Initiatives:

– Crowdfunding: Engaging the community through transparent fundraising campaigns. – Corporate


Collaborating with businesses that align with our values to support restoration projects.

Collaboration Process:

1. Needs Assessment:

– Conducting thorough assessments to identify the specific needs of each space.

2. Stakeholder Involvement:

– Involving local communities, religious leaders, and authorities in decision-making processes.

3. Resource Mobilization:

– Leveraging funds, volunteer efforts, and materials through strategic partnerships.

4. Implementation and Oversight:

– Ensuring that restoration projects are executed efficiently, with regular monitoring and feedback loops.

5. Celebrating Success:

– Acknowledging milestones and successes with the community to foster a sense of shared achievement.

How to Get Involved:

Whether you’re an individual, business, or community group, everyone can contribute to the Unity Restoration Project. Join us in making a lasting impact on the spaces we all share. Together, we build a stronger, more united community.

Thank you for being a part of the Unity Restoration Project!

Our Current Projects

Sanatan Mandir, Cultural & Community Center Restoration

We are thrilled to be actively involved in the restoration of the Sanatan Mandir, Cultural & Community Center located in Brighton, Colorado. This vibrant center serves as a spiritual hub for the Hindu community, providing a space for cultural celebrations, festivals, and most importantly, extending a helping hand to those in need through food support initiatives.

Project Overview:

Mission: To preserve and enhance the Sanatan Mandir, Cultural & Community Center, ensuring it remains a welcoming and functional space for the community.

Goal: Fundraise $200,000 for crucial repairs and improvements.


1.Cultural Celebration Hub: Ensure the center continues to be a focal point for Hindu cultural celebrations, fostering a sense of community pride and connection.

2. Festival Gatherings: Create an environment where festivals are celebrated with joy and inclusivity, bringing people together in the spirit of unity.

3. Community Outreach: Strengthen the center’s ability to provide food support to those in need, contributing to our broader mission of community welfare.

How You Can Contribute:

We invite you to be a part of this transformative project. Your support will directly contribute to preserving the rich cultural heritage of the Hindu community and maintaining a vital community space.

Donate via Zelle or PayPal:

- Zelle: kgsfoundation1@gmail.com
- PayPal: kgsfoundation1@gmail.com

Note: Please specify that your donation is for the "Sanatan Mandir, Cultural & Community Center Restoration Project" to ensure proper allocation of funds.

Together, Let's Restore and Celebrate!

Join us in making a lasting impact on the Sanatan Mandir, Cultural & Community Center. Your contribution not only repairs a building but also strengthens the bonds of community and culture. Thank you for being a part of this meaningful journey.
Donate To Support Unity Restoration Project!